A20B-1001-0731 Fanuc I/O Board
Refurbished - Used, Tested, Working
30 Day Warranty
Send us your core for a 20% credit on this item.
Please print order and include with package when shipping core return.
Refurbished - Used, Tested, Working
30 Day Warranty
Send us your core for a 20% credit on this item.
Please print order and include with package when shipping core return.
Refurbished - Used, Tested, Working
30 Day Warranty
Send us your core for a 20% credit on this item.
Please print order and include with package when shipping core return.
Amada Part # 97050336 / 97050337
Drawing # 07050336P.C. BOARD (S) A20B-1001-0731 /
07050337P.C. BOARD (R) A20B-1001-0731